Image Uploaded By: Greg Perez

Stake Single Adult Institute Class

  • Everyone
Wednesday, Jan 15, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

We are pleased to announce the new single adult weekly institute class for 2025. This class is for all singles with an emphasis on those who are aged 35+. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in promoting this class in your respective ward. Please see the attached materials. This class takes place each Wednesday at 7pm in the Newport Beach Stake Center.

Our first class in 2025 will take place on January 15th and will be taught by Patriarch Bentley.  We have a fabulous group of teachers and topics, and we are excited to launch this new class

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Stake Single Adult Co-Chairs (Kristina Lowe, Neal Metler, or Steve Hazy).

RSVP for this event now!