Several Stakes in the local area are joining with Seneca Stake to host a Preparedness Fair on Saturday, September 16th 2023, from 9 to 4, at the Seneca Stake Center. The event will include many classes every hour on a variety of subjects, such as gardening, food preparation and storage, cooking, emergency skills, financial, etc. There will be a variety of 50 and 20 minute classes taught by volunteers skilled in self-reliance. These classes will be very useful in helping families become better prepared for emergencies.
We are currently looking for volunteers to teach a variety of classes. If you have a skill or passion on any subject related to self-reliance or preparedness, please sign up in your local Ward, or send an email to We hope to have the class schedule completed before summer.
Fairs held by Seneca Stake in the past have included classes such as;
- Cooking from Dried Food Storage
- Cooking tortillas
- Cooking Wheat Bread
- Cooking with Grains
- Cooking in Emergencies
- Dried Milk Recipes
- Making Freezer Meals
- Making Nutritious Meals
- Hot water & Steam Bath Canning
- Canning with bottles
- Canning meat in Bottles
- Canning Fruit & Vegetables in Bottles
- Dehydrating
- Gardening
- Growing Sprouts
- Water Purification & Storage
- Rotating your Food Storage
- Nutrition
- Saving & Storing Vegetable Seeds
- Emergency First Aid
- Self Defense
- Nuclear Disasters & How they will affect you
- Emergency Communications
- Emergency Power
- Home Defense & Target Hardening
- Immigration
- Family Preparedness Plan
- Wills & Trusts
- Budgeting & Getting out of Debt
- Physical Fitness
- Krav Maga
- Sewing
- Types of Disasters in this Area
- Candle Making
- 72 Hour Kits
- Long Term Food Storage
- Family emergency ID Cards
- Emergency Equipment
- Emergency Supplies
- Communications, etc"