Washington DC YSA South Stake Temple Day

  • Everyone
Saturday, Jan 11, 10:00 AM – 11:30 PM
Washington D.C. Temple
Join us for the monthly Stake temple day every second Saturday of the month.

Stake Second Saturday's at the temple this month is January 11th!

* Limited space! Please schedule appointment ASAP for **initiatories, endowment, sealings.Of course, consider serving anytime this day in the templebefore/after our munch & mingle.

Baptisms 10 am, no appointment needed;
Endowment: 10 am, appointment required;
Initiatories: choose your own time, appointment required;
Sealings: choose your own time, appointment required;

Munch and Mingle afterwards @ 11:30 am in the visitors center

See form/link below for RSVP:

Washington D.C. Temple
9900 Stoneybrook Dr
Kensington, MD 20895
United States

RSVP for this event now!