Youth Temple Trip

  • Women
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  • Men
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  • Girls (11+)
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  • Boys (11+)
Saturday, Oct. 28 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Washington DC Temple
We have a Youth Temple trip activity, scheduled for Saturday, October 28th (12:00 PM - 2:00 PM appointment), and we would like to ensure we get as many youths as possible to participate in Temple baptismal ordinances. We invite all adults and youth who plan on being at the Temple to bring the paper copy of their Temple recommend, and reach out to brother Calderwood or brother Mbakob if you need it re-printed. We will be available to print them by Wednesday October 25th, if requested. Here are some logistical items for this activity: Carpooling: If you plan on driving and have room in your car, we need adults able to transport the youth to meet at Warrenton Park and Ride at 10:00 am. We plan to leave that location no later than 10:15 am. Please contact a bishopric member if you would like to be a carpool driver. Pickup: Parents can pick up their youth(s) back at the Warrenton Park and Ride. Drop-off will need to be arranged with carpool drivers and follow the Youth and Safety guidelines from the General Handbook. Recommends: All adults and youth should bring a hard copy of their temple recommend. Please make sure you have your temple recommend available and reach out to any bishopric member if you can't find yours. Preparedness: If your youth is going to the Temple for the first time, do not hesitate to review the proxy baptism and confirmation materials, in the general Handbook, with them. Ordinances: We will have the priests perform all baptismal ordinances. We will need 4 sisters to assist the YW with towels and in the women's changing area. We will need at least 3 Melchizedek priesthood holders to assist with confirmations and in the men's changing. Parents or youth leaders can assist as witnesses or by handing towels in the baptistry.

We encourage the youth to bring family names with them (if possible). The following link has instructions on how to prepare family names for baptismal ordinances: There will also be names available at the Temple.

Washington DC Temple
9900 Stoneybrook Dr
Kensington, MD 20895
United States
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