7th Ward Sunday Meetings

  • Everyone
Sunday, Jan 5, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Cherry Hill 7th Ward

January 5th, 2025

Sacrament Service

Presiding: Bishop Mark Kempton

Conducting: Bishop Mark Kempton

Chorister: Mary Dollahite

Organist: Sharon Lynn


Opening Hymn: Welcome, Welcome Sabbath Morning, #280

Opening Prayer: By invitation

Ward/Stake Business

Sacrament Hymn: Oh God the Eternal Father, #175

Administration of the Sacrament

Testimonies shared by members of the congregation

Closing Hymn: Oh the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus, #1015

Closing prayer: By invitation

Second Hour 

Come, Follow Me


Puzzle Night, Friday January 24th at 6pm in the cultural hall. Puzzles for all ages and skills. Puzzles will be provided or you can bring one to put together with friends.

Puzzle exchange also. Have a puzzle you no longer want? Bring it to give away or exchange with someone else.

Visit our Cherry Hill Stake website for stake announcements:


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