Resiliency Classes - Financial Resilience and Emotional Resilience

Thursday, Sep. 21 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Spring Creek South Stake Center
All are invited to participate in self-reliance group classes. These are multi-congregational groups where attendees learn skills for becoming self-reliant and are provided with a support network through other members of the group. Classes are generally 8-12 weeks, meeting weekly. the 2 classes that are being offered at this time have the following focus: Financial Resilience Emotional Resilience

Those who wish to participate can attend the first evening where participants will be divided into groups and meeting times will be scheduled. If you have further questions, please RSVP and a member of leadership will get back with you as soon as possible.

Spring Creek South Stake Center
355 North 400 East
Springville, UT 84663
United States

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