Senior's Summer Institute Workshop #3 July 5; #4 July 12, #5 July 19 7:30 - 8:30 pm

  • Girls (11+)
  • |
  • Boys (11+)
Wednesday, Jul 5, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Senior's Summer Institute Workshop
Seniors, what are your next steps along the Covenant Path? Join us for this 5 week seniors-only workshop to learn about practical and spiritual principles that will help you in this pivotal moment of your life. These include: Time, Money, Life, and the Lord. COME AND BE WITH HIGH SCHOOLL SENIORS FROM THE DMV (DC, MD, NOVA)

FOOD: Dinner will be served 6:30 - 7:30 pm.

Call 703-889-0509 for additional information.

Senior's Summer Institute Workshop
Oakton VA Stake Center
2719 Hunter Mill Rd
Oakton, VA 22124
United States

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