Young Adult Institute Classes

  • Single Adults (18-30)
Tuesday, Sep 17, 6:30 PM – Tuesday, Dec 17, 8:30 PM
23rd St. Chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Young Adults ages 18-30 are invited to join Institute to seek a greater understanding of the world in which we live based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. The evening begins with dinner at 6:30 PM on Tuesday nights followed by classes and socializing. Current Institute Classes: - "Navigating Daily Life with Jesus: How Jesus handled adulting challenges, relationships, disappointments, and successes" - "Prophesies and Promises: Hearing the Voice of the Lord in the Doctrine and Covenants" - "Plain and Precious Truths: What the Hymnbook has to Tell Us about Our Covenants" - "The Search for an Eternal Companion" For more information, please visit
23rd St. Chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
745 23rd St. S.
Arlington, VA 22202
United States

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