Thursday, Jun 29, 10:30 AM – Sunday, Jul 9, 6:00 PM
Check out this upcoming event
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will have a booth at the upcoming Smithsonian Folk Life Festival held on the National Mall in Washington, DC from June 29 to July 9, 2023. This event attracts 400,000+ participants. Friendly volunteers are needed to greet guests and explain how family history can gather and connect families, past, present, and future.
This volunteer opportunity has been extended first to the members of the Washington DC YSA South and North Stakes (because we're so friendly!). Go to the Signup Genius form that will be open exclusively to the two YSA stakes beginning now through Wednesday, June 7th. On June 8th the volunteer opportunity will be made available to all other stakes in the DMV.
*The event goes on from June 29th to July 9th so find a day that works for you!