Stock the Block

  • Everyone
Saturday, Sep 16, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Hybla Valley Community Center
On Saturday, September 16, at the Hybla Valley Community Center (7950 Audubon Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia, 22306), our stake is sponsoring a Community Distribution Fair at which we will “Stock the Block” by distributing more than $3 million in donated goods to 1,500+ families in need. The goods will include essential items like food, diapers and wipes, school supplies, toys, hygiene kits, and more. Our guests will come to enjoy food, entertainment, and community, and leave with connections to local service providers, food boxes, and donated items. We need you! Please come and volunteer and assemble donation packages, serve breakfast, and fellowship with the families and individuals we will serving (and with other stake members). Invite a friend! You can sign up at this link ( ) or via the QR code on the attached flyer. Sign up today! Thanks!
Hybla Valley Community Center
7950 Audubon Ave
Alexandria, VA 22306
United States

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